電話:025-80862534郵箱:zengcaihong@nju.edu.cn 地址:研究方向:


  • 個人簡介
  • 學術兼職
  • 代表性論文
  • 承擔科研項目
  • 獲獎情況
  1. 工作簡曆


2006年獲第二軍醫大學博士學位,2009-2010先後赴美國UT Southwestern Medical   Center Vanderbilt   University Medical center 腎髒病理中心訪問交流。長期從事腎髒病理、腎移植腎病理以及腎髒病臨床、病理和發病機制的研究。擅長疑難、罕見腎髒病理及疑難移植腎腎髒病理的診斷。

  1. 科研情況簡介

先後主持江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目,國家自然科學基金,國家重點研發計劃精準醫學研究;江蘇省重點人才專項課題;參與國家自然科學基金,國際(地區)合作與交流項目,國家科技支撐項目子課題,臨床醫學科技專項—江蘇省臨床醫學中心,國際IgA腎病合作研究項目;獲教育部科技進步二等獎一項(排名1),國家科技進步二等獎(排名3)。擔任國家自然科學基金科技專項評審、研究生學報編委。在“Am J Kidney   DisKidney IntJ. Pathol”等雜志上發表多篇論文。

  1. 研究方向







中國研究型醫院學會腎髒病專業委員會副主任委員;江蘇省醫學會腎髒病分會侯任主任委員;Renal Pathology Society Committees 項目組成員;《Kidney disease》、《醫學研究生學報》編委

1.      Qunjuan   Lei, Feng Xu, Shaoshan Liang, Dandan Liang, Jingru Lu, Rong Tang, Xianguang   Zhou, Zhihong Liu, Caihong Zeng. Clinical Acute Kidney Injury and   Histologic Acute Tubular-Interstitial Injury and Their Prognosis in Diabetic   Nephropathy. Nephron. ,2021 Dec 22;1-9 IF: 2.847

2.      Ying   Zhu,Yun Fan,Feng Xu,Shaoshan Liang,Dandan Liang,Ping Li,Yuanyuan Xia,Xiaodong   Zhu,Fan Yang,Jinsong Chen,Caihong Zeng. Focal Segmental   Glomerulosclerosis Superimposed on Transplant Glomerulopathy: Implications   for Graft Survival. Am J Nephrol. 2021;52(10-11):788-797 . IF:3.754

3.      Liang   S, Li L, Chen D, Liang D, Xu F, Cheng Z, Abuduwupuer Z, Zhang C, Zhang M, Zeng   C. Secondary Oxalate Nephropathy: Causes and   Clinicopathological Characteristics of a Case Series. Nephron.   2021;145(6):684-691. IF: 3.902

4.        Yun Fan,Dandan   Liang,Haochen Rui,Feng Xu,Yuanyuan Xia,Fan Yang,Shaoshan Liang,Xiaodong   Zhu,Mingchao Zhang,Xianghua Huang,Caihong Zeng. Using   digital whole-slide images to evaluate renal amyloid deposition and its   association with clinical features and outcomes of AL amyloidosis. J Nephrol.   2021 Oct;34(5):1747-1756 . IF: 3.902

5.        Haas M, Seshan SV, Barisoni   L, Amann K, Bajema IM, Becker JU, Joh K, Ljubanovic D, Roberts ISD, Roelofs   JJ, Sethi S, Zeng C,   Jennette JC. Consensus Definitions for Glomerular Lesions by   Light and Electron Microscopy: Recommendations from a Working Group of the   Renal Pathology Society. Kidney Int. 2020   Nov;98(5):1120-1134

6.        Zeng, C. Nan, Y. Xu, F. Lei, Q. Li, F. Chen, T. Liang, S. Hou,   X. Lv, B. Liang, D. Luo, W. Lv, C. Li, X. Xie, G. Liu, Z.  Identification   of Glomerular Lesions and Intrinsic Glomerular Cells Types in Kidney Diseases   via Deep Learning. J Pathol; 2020 Sep;252(1):53-64. IF: 7.996   

7.        Liang, S. Chen, D. Liang, D. Xu, F. Zhang, M. Yang, F.   Zhu, X. Li, P. Zeng, C. Clinicopathological characteristics and   outcome of patients with fibrillary glomerulonephritis: DNAJB9 is a valuable   histologic marker. J Nephrol., 2021 Jun;34(3):883-892 IF: 3.11 (通訊作者)

8.        Chen, T. Xia, E. Chen, T. Zeng, C. Liang, S. Xu,   F. Qin, Y. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Liang, D. Xie, G. Liu, Z. Identification and   external validation of IgA nephropathy patients benefiting from   immunosuppression therapy. EBioMedicine. 2020 Feb; 52: 102657. IF: 5.736

9.        Zhang YLi XLiang DXu FLiang SZhu XZheng NHuang XLiu ZZeng C. Heavy Chain Deposition Disease:   Clinicopathologic Characteristics of a Chinese Case Series. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 May;75(5):736-743.  IF: 6.618

10.    Chen TLi XLi YXia EQin YLiang SXu FLiang DZeng CLiu Z.   Prediction and Risk Stratification of Kidney Outcomes in IgA Nephropathy. Am J   Kidney Dis. 2019 Sep;74(3):300-309. IF: 6.653 (共同通訊作者)

11.    Liang D, Liang S, Xu F, Zhang   M, Li X, Tu Y, Liu Z, Zeng C.   Clinicopathological features and outcome of antibody-negative anti-glomerular   basement membrane disease. J Clin Pathol.  2019 Jan;72(1):31-37.  IF2.678 (通訊作者)

12.    Hommos M S, Zeng C, Liu Z, et al. Global glomerulosclerosis with nephrotic   syndrome; the clinical importance of age adjustment. Kidney Int, 2018; 93(5): 1175-1182. IF:8.395

13.    Barisoni   L, Gimpel C, Kain R, Laurinavicius A, Bueno G, Zeng C, Liu Z, Schaefer F, Kretzler M, Holzman LB, Hewitt SM. Digital   pathology imaging as a novel platform for standardization and globalization   of quantitative nephropathology. Clin Kidney J. 2017; 10(2):176-187. IF4.07

14.    Li XXu FLiang DLiang SZhu XZhang MHuang XLiu ZZeng C.  Clinicopathologic characteristics of light chain proximal tubulopathy with lightchain inclusions involving multiple renal cell types.   Clin Nephrol.  2018 Feb;89(2):83-92. IF1.066 (通訊作者)

15.      Li XM, Rui HC, Liang DD, Xu F, Liang SS, Zhu XD, Huang   XH, Liu ZH, Zeng CH. Clinicopathologic   characteristics and outcome of light chain deposition disease: an analysis of   48 patients in a single Chinese center. Ann Hematol. 2016; 95(6):901-909.   IF:3.022 (通訊作者)

16.    Zhong Y, Xu F, Li X, Chen H, Liang S, Zhu X, Liu Z,Zeng C. The evolution of morphological variants of focal segmental   glomerulosclerosis: a repeat biopsy-based observation. Nephrol Dial   Transplant. 2016 Jan;31(1):87-95. IF: 4.085 (通訊作者)

17.    Zeng, C. Fan, Y. Wu, J. Shi, S. Chen, Z. Zhong, Y. Zhang, C. Zen,   K. Liu, Z. Podocyte autophagic activity plays a protective role in renal   injury and delays the progression of podocytopathies. J Pathol. 2014; 234:203-13. IF:7.429



1.       國家自然科學基金面上項目:TSP-1在局竈節段性腎小球硬化腎小管損傷中的作用及機制研究(81570644

2.       國家自然科學基金面上項目:基于人工智能技術的腎髒病理分析系統與應用(82070793

3.       國家“精準醫學研究”重點研發計劃項目:糖尿病腎病大型隊列及數據資源庫體系的建立與共享(2016YFC0901202

4.       江蘇省醫學重點人才培養項目:SIRP-α信号通路對足細胞自噬的影響及其在足細胞損傷中的作用研究(ZDRCA2016098

5.       江蘇省衛健委重點項目:人工智能技術輔助糖尿病腎病患者腎髒病變識别與分期及預後與危險分層(ZD2021018





1.     罕見腎髒疾病的臨床轉化研究,2015年教育部科技進步二等獎(排名第一)

2.     足細胞損傷機制及臨床轉化研究,2016江蘇省科學技術獎一等獎(排名8

3.     腎小球腎炎診治策略和關鍵技術的創新與應用,2020國家科技進步二等獎(排名3
