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東部戰區總醫院呼吸與危重症醫學科主任、肺癌中心主任、南京大學呼吸病學研究所所長,專業技術3級,文職1級。任南京大學、海軍軍醫大學、南京醫科大學等多所高校博士研究生導師 。在呼吸系統疑難病例以及肺癌的綜合診治方面有深厚的造詣。2020年,武漢爆發新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情,第一時間馳援武漢,進駐泰康同濟(武漢)醫院,被任命為新組建的泰康同濟醫院重症二科主任和專家組組長。2022年,再次赴上海抗疫,任上海國展中心方艙醫院臨床救治專家組組長。


以第一完成人獲得江蘇省科學技術獎一等獎1項、教育部二等獎2項、省部級和軍隊二等獎3項,第四完成人獲國家科技進步二等獎一項。榮立三等功3次,曾獲江蘇省醫學重點人才、江蘇省有突出貢獻的中青年專家、南京軍區科技英才、 “中國呼吸醫師獎等多項稱号和獎勵。

現任江蘇省醫學會呼吸病分會候任主任委員、解放軍醫學會呼吸内科專業委員會副主任委員、聯勤保障部隊第一屆醫療衛生專家指導委員會常委、中央軍委保健專家、中華醫學會呼吸分會全國委員、《Translational Lung Cancer Research》雜志(SCI收錄,IF6.498 )主編、《中華結核和呼吸雜志》編委、《中華醫學雜志》編委、《醫學研究生學報》副主編等職務。

1.       Mol Cancer:PRC1 contributes to tumorigenesis of lung   adenocarcinoma in association with the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway2017年,通訊作者

2.       Cancer LettThe biology, function and clinical   implications of exosomes in lung cancer2017年,通訊作者

3.       Transl Lung   Cancer ResPulmonary ground-glass opacity:   computed tomography features, histopathology and molecular pathology2017年,通訊作者

4.       Translational   lung cancer researchEvaluation of rare but severe   immune related adverse effects in PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in non-small cell   lung cancer: a meta-analysis2017年,通訊作者

5.       Biomedicine   & PharmacotherapyRNA sequencing enables systematic   identification of platelet transcriptomic alterations in NSCLC patients2018年,通訊作者

6.       Lung CancerThree new disease-progression modes in NSCLC   patients after EGFR-TKI treatment by next-generation sequencing analysis2018年,通訊作者

7.       J Cell Mol   MedOverexpression of geranylgeranyl diphosphate   synthase contributes to tumour metastasis and correlates with poor prognosis   of lung adenocarcinoma.2018年,通訊作者

8.       J Cell Mol   MedDiagnostic and therapeutic value of   progastrin-releasing peptide on small-cell lung cancer: A Single-Center   Experience in China..2018年,通訊作者

9.       Transl Lung   Cancer ResThe association of PD-L1 expression   with the efficacy of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy and survival of non-small   cell lung cancer patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials2019年,通訊作者

10.  Transl Lung Cancer Res18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission   tomography/computed tomography in the diagnosis of benign pulmonary lesions   in sarcoidosis.2019年,通訊作者

11.  Transl Lung Cancer ResPrognostic role of pretreatment   neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated   with systemic therapy: a meta-analysis2019年,通訊作者

12.  Transl Lung Cancer ResTreatment of uncommon mutations in non-small   cell lung cancer: new evidence and treatment 2019年,通訊作者

13.  Transl Lung Cancer ResIrinotecan, topotecan, paclitaxel or   docetaxel for second-line treatment of small cell lung cancer: a   single-center retrospective study of efficiency comparation and prognosis   analysis2019年,通訊作者

14.  J Cell PhysiolTumor-derived exosomal lncRNA GAS5 as a   biomarker for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis2019年,通訊作者

15.  OncogeneWNT5B exerts oncogenic effects and is   negatively regulated by miR-5587-3p in lung adenocarcinoma progression2020年,通訊作者

16.  Free Radic Biol MedGeranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 1   knockout ameliorates ventilator-induced lung injury via regulation of   TLR2/4-AP-1 signaling2020年,通訊作者

17.  Transl Lung Cancer ResCirculating tumor DNA clearance predicts   prognosis across treatment regimen in a large real-world longitudinally   monitored advanced non-small cell lung cancer cohort2020年,第一作者

18.  Transl Lung Cancer ResComparison between closed pleural biopsy and   medical thoracoscopy for the diagnosis of undiagnosed exudative pleural   effusions: a systematic review and meta-analysis2020年,通訊作者

19.  Transl Lung Cancer Res Pemetrexed-based chemotherapy for   non-small-cell lung cancer patients with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation: a multicenter   study2020年,通訊作者

20.  Transl Lung Cancer ResA narrative review of progress in diagnosis   and treatment of small cell lung cancer patients with hyponatremia.2020年,通訊作者

21.  Signal Transduct Target TherTargeting the ubiquitination/deubiquitination   process to regulate immune checkpoint pathways 2021年,通訊作者

22.  Cancer LettLow-dose carboplatin reprograms tumor immune   microenvironment through STING signaling pathway and synergizes with PD-1   inhibitors in lung cancer 2021年,通訊作者

23.  Front ImmunolIntrapleural Injection of Anti-PD1 Antibody:   A Novel Management of Malignant Pleural Effusion2021年,通訊作者

24.  Front ImmunolCD39+ Regulatory T cells attenuate   lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury via autophagy and the ERK/FOS   pathway2021年,通訊作者

25.  Cancer SciPseudogene KRT17P3 drives cisplatin   resistance of human NSCLC cells by modulating miR-497-5p/mTOR2021年,通訊作者

26.  Transl Lung Cancer ResNovel risk scoring system for immune   checkpoint inhibitors treatment in non-small cell lung cancer2021年,通訊作者

27.  Transl Lung Cancer ResClinical types of checkpoint   inhibitor-related pneumonitis in lung cancer patients: a multicenter   experience2021年,通訊作者

28.  Transl Lung Cancer ResThe prognostic value of longitudinal   circulating tumor DNA profiling during osimertinib treatment2021年,通訊作者

29.  Front OncolEffect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy on Survival   of Patients With 8th Edition Stage IB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer2022年,通訊作者

Front   ImmunolComprehensive Analysis of the Immune   Microenvironment in Checkpoint Inhibitor Pneumonitis2022年,通訊作者


2.國家自然科學基金面上項目:GGPPS1調控肺巨噬細胞NLRP3炎性體啟動ARDS炎症瀑布的作用機制,編号:8177008250萬元 ,2018-2021年,第一負責人

3.國家自然基金面上項目:Inc-TL7R/DNMT1/Jmjd3通路在線粒體損傷相關分子模式介導的創傷性急性肺損傷的機制研究。編号: 81570078 66萬元 , 2016-2019年,第一負責人

4.國家自然基金:循環mtDNA-NLRP3 炎性體信号通路介導創傷性急性肺損傷發生的分子機制,編号:8137017270萬元,2014-2017年,第一負責人






